Group Project Grants
Group Project grants are designed to support a group of artists who want to make something together – a live performance, a group exhibition, or a video production.
What is a Group Project?
Group project grants are available for two to four people. Applications can be made for $2,000 to $4,000. The award is split between all the members, with a maximum of $1000 per group member. A grant is money we give you to help make art – you don’t need to pay the money back. Some examples of past group projects include a live performance, a group exhibition, an art vending machine, and a video production.
What You Need to Do
All artists in a group must complete and submit a grant application. You’ll need to answer some questions about your experience making art, your connection to the Downtown Eastside, and your idea for a project. You can apply online or pick up a paper copy from the Carnegie Centre. All grant decisions are made by a Volunteer Advisory Committee made up of artists who live and work in the Downtown Eastside.
For more information visit: How to Apply.

- Artists must live, work, or make art in the DTES (see map boundaries here).
- Each group member is required to submit a sample of their work.
- Groups will need to demonstrate the role of each artist within the project, and how their project will be created collaboratively.
- Preference is given to applicants who have not applied for and/or received government funding within the past three years (e.g. BC Arts Council, Canada Council, Creative BC).
- Priority is given to new projects and/or applicants who have been funded for fewer than three years.
- Please note that if you apply for an Individual grant, you are not eligible to apply for a Group grant, and vice versa. Artists applying for more than one grant in the same year will be disqualified.
Additional Information
Group projects must be presented to the public. The project funder will need to be acknowledged. Possible wording includes, “This project was (partially) funded by the DTES Small Arts Grants Program and Vancouver Foundation”, or “The artists appreciate funding received from the DTES Small Arts Grants Program and Vancouver Foundation”. Contact the Coordinator for approved logos.
Your group must write a Final Report. A template will be included with your grant payment. The Final Report is meant for groups to share stories about your project and to describe what went well with the project, and what could have been done differently. Images and/or video documentation of your group’s artwork (whatever its form) and the public presentation of it must also be included in your Final Report
All projects must be completed and your group’s Final Report submitted by June 30 in order to be eligible to re-apply the following year. Final Reports must include images and/or video of your project presentation.
We run several information sessions to support you with your application. For more information contact the Program Coordinator at
Apply now