Do you want to receive money for an art project?
If you are an emerging artist (an artist that has never received financial support before from a grant, a foundation, or a sponsorship program) and you are connected to the Downtown Eastside with an idea for an original art project, this program is for you!
How can this program help me?
We support emerging artists develop their skills and increase the visibility of their artwork with grant awards ranging from $500 – $1000 to individual DTES Artists. Groups may be of 2 to 4 people. Groups may apply up to a maximum of $4,000 for groups of 4 people. With this money, you can buy what you need to take your art to the next level!
When does all this happen?
Applications open Tuesday Oct.15 are due by 4:00 PM on Friday, November 22, 2019. If your application is approved for funding, you will receive your cheque in February 2020.
Interested? Great!
Complete an application! Apply online at You can also pick up a paper copy from the info desk of the Carnegie Centre.
Information Sessions are happening at Carnegie Community Centre, 401 Main Street Vancouver BC V5W 3M2
• Wednesday Oct.30 2019 6:00pm-7:30pm and
• Thursday Nov.14 2019 6:00pm-7:30pm
Have questions?
We would love to be in touch with you. Contact the DTES Small Arts Grants office
by phone (604) 665-2213 or email at