Welcome to the new DTES Small Arts Grants website! We have updated the site to a new look as of February 12th, but the program details remain the same.

Eva and Wilson Duet


Received grant in 2019

The Eva Wilson Duet is co-created by Eva Cho and Wilson.

Eva Cho is a Dancer and musical performer. She enjoys dance and singing since when she was 7 years old. She has been a traditional Chinese Dance performer since her younge age. She moved to Vancouver in 2010 from Regina where she taught teens and adults Chinese Folk Dance. Eva volunteers at Carnegie Center to teach seniors Chinese Folk Dance. She joined Woment Rock at Carnegie and performs in various DTES renues.

Wilson is a multi-decipinary artist. He dance ball room and contempary. He performed in LINKS, “Art and Health”. He plays music. And was trained Kung Fu and Tai Chi since young age.  Eva and Wilson co-created a Duet dance piece and performed in the “Emerge Festival” in 2019. 

  • Eva Cho performing
  • Eva and Wilson Performance
  • Eva and Wilson Performance
  • Eva Cho performing
  • Eva Cho dancing