Welcome to the new DTES Small Arts Grants website! We have updated the site to a new look as of February 12th, but the program details remain the same.

Christine Hatfull

Photographer, Social Historian

Christine Hatfull is a photographer and social historian currently living in Vancouver where she documents the urban landscape and lifes rich tapestry.

As an artist she is inspired to find truth in beauty but as a historian she must track the beauty of truth (or at least a true story). Christine engages this paradox by exploiting various digital tools such as cameras, apps and blogging along with tactile materials like paper, ink and photographic prints. Her work tends visually to the impressionistic even if the subject matter is sharply focused on reality.

PALIMPSEST is a yearlong, photographic, time-lapse, project about the former Remand Centre in the DTES. The old hide is scraped clean, exposed, shrouded and ready for repurposing. Flashed and fitted with a surface of elegant design and reflect ability it will have a new skin to write upon.