Welcome to the new DTES Small Arts Grants website! We have updated the site to a new look as of February 12th, but the program details remain the same.

Cathy Lau

Writer, Poet

TiggrFace Cathy Lau tells the truth, every time, and you can feel it in her written work and public readings, where she uses her gifts of metaphor and hard logic to expose the lies society taught us, and inspire us to express our true selves, and change the world in our own way, starting with herself.

Cathys first book, Fairy Tales, For Real: Wisdom Poetry By Cathy Lau, is her first foray into the art of wisdom writing ” where she explicitly states the lessons, or morals of each poem she writes, so that the messages are direct, straightforward, and cant be misinterpreted or tampered with. She looks at the original versions of fairy tales to reveal the wisdom they contained before society changed them into the unrecognizable children’s stories we know them as today. Guided by wisdom gained from mentorship by her brother, combined with her background in communications, marketing, psychology, publishing, and media, Cathy exposes the mechanisms through which society controls and brainwashes us to support the top 1%, rather than live for ourselves, and encourages us to break away and find ourselves, so that we can be ourselves once again, and free ourselves.

Cathy writes with the Downtown Eastside community every week, through Phoenixs FireWriters and Thursdays Writing Collective. She shares her writing through readings in and around the area. Cathy is using her fairy tale book as a fundraiser, and 100% of the proceeds will go to fund the publication of her second book, a wisdom novel called Teaching for Apples, which she is going to give away for free to children. To place an order for a book or have Cathy come do a free reading for your event, contact her at lau.cathyc@gmail.com.
