Alex Robertson
In 1967, I was born in Alert Bay, BC, in the Kwakwakawakw territory, where I would eventually witness the carving and raising of the worlds tallest totem pole. My ancesters were from all over this area; they were Kwagiulth, Namgis, Blackfoot, and from the Nimkish River. I am a proud member of the Namgis tribe. My great grandfather Spruce Martin, great-great uncle Mungo Martin and others in my family have inspired my work…thanks to Godfrey Bruce who recognized my interest in carving and drawing and encouraged me to create my first cedar mask – a grouse. I continue to develop my engraving, painting and drum-making skills and believe that through art, I can teach my children and others about our traditional culture, which helps to preserve and celebrate the ways of our ancestors. God bless all those who cannot be here today.