Adrienne Allmen
Adrienne has incorporated imagination and vision from her earliest years engaging in the arts. In high school, Adrienne excelled in visual arts, earning her an award at the Lambton Art Gallery for best Charcoal and Chalk. In that same year, another piece was chosen for display in the school boards head office. After graduation, Adrienne traveled to Paris for a one-month study of famous paintings by world renowned artists including Monet, Picasso, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Renoir. Her favorite, Toulouse-Lautrec because of his artistic skill and infamous lifestyle. Being accepted to the Emily Carr University of Art and Design is what brought Adrienne to the West Coast. She also explores poetry and acting which have shaped her personal style. Adrienne draws inspiration from the idea of romance and from the youthful simplicities of children’s drawings, both of which, she feels, reveal the depth of the human imagination.