Aaron Malkin
Aaron Malkin is a comedic actor and dancer with a background in Pochinko clowning, Bouffon, theatre, swing dancing, contact dance, African dance, and percussion. Aaron recently played a lead role in the Dusty Flowerpot Cabaret’s show Hard Times Hit Parade, and played a range of comedic characters in a Fringe Festival show this summer, The Illumination of the Grumpy Guitarist. Aaron is using this opportunity—as a recipient of the DTES Small Arts Grant—to develop promotional materials and to create his first soloshow out of the 45 West Multi-Use Arts Studio. Aaron’s show—tentatively titled Timmy’s Birthday Party—is a delightful and heart-warming journey through a boy’s struggles to find happiness in a paralysing world of judgements. The show will take place in early February 2012. The specific date and location TBA.