James Kemp
Artist Statement:
My work is in part a study of societys structures of rules and conventions to transform what is primitive and natural; the emotive and intuitive part of our being into a rationalised contrived collective ethos; an ethos that holds idealized concepts of progress and growth which espouses a mastery over things, rather than a relationship with the land.
Artist Bio:
James Kemp is a local Vancouver sculptor and teacher. He received his teaching certificate from UBC. He currently teaches Montessori art (K-7). He received his BFA from Emily Carr University of Art and Design in 2012, graduating with distinction, winning the Circle Craft Award and nominated for a national art show at La Mur Gallery, After graduating he was awarded a one year residence at the Port Moody Arts Centre. Work developed from the residency was selected by the international student ceramic exhibition in New York. James has shown at gallery Fukai, Circle Craft Gallery, the Robert Lynds Gallery, the Windsor gallery, La Mur gallery, BC Gallery of Ceramics and at the international emerging ceramic arts exhibition in New York; his work was featured in the 2014 international ceramics festival/competition in Mino Japan where his work was awarded a Special Judges Award. His work is held in the collection of the NY Fire House Gallery and the Museum of Modern Ceramic Art Gifu, Japan. He was last years recipient of the Betty Burroughs Ceramics Bursary. His work was most recently award Special Merit Award at Clay Fest IV in California. James currently works out of a studio in East Vancouver where he also teaches young aspiring wheel throwers and sculptors.
Check him out on YouTube by clicking here!