Welcome to the new DTES Small Arts Grants website! We have updated the site to a new look as of February 12th, but the program details remain the same.

Yunuen Perez Vertti

Filmmaker, Media Artist

Im a documentary filmmaker, original from Mexico City, relocated to Vancouver, from Houston, TX, 2 years ago. My goal as filmmaker is to be able to create films that will touch people and inspire change. For the past 5 years I’ve been working on video installations, and alternative video display forms. I’m developing opportunities to integrate video and film with other art forms. By creating multidisciplinary art installations I seek to improve my understanding of my own art as well as other art forms. Last February I completed a short documentary about the West Coast Women Artist Collective. The WCWA is a group of Indigenous Women Artist carving themselves a place as artists, in the community and in the world. Haisla Collins, Jaqueline West, Doris Fox, to name a few, were subjects of my documentary. While working on the documentary I learn about the issue of the Missing and Murdered women in Canada and the East Side Downtown. Being a woman, and coming from a country with a history of violence against women (which country doesnt?), I felt deeply connected to the issue, I wanted to learn more and offer my resources and skills as a filmmaker to bring the issue forward to the community at large. 

Description of the Project

The project is a multidisciplinary Art Installation reflecting on the theme of Violence Against Women. For one night only, Friday July 17, 2015, we will install and performed our artwork, at the Interurban Gallery in the Downtown East Side. The installation will consist of video, performance, visual arts, community art and open mic. I will collaborate with other artists to create a cohesive piece that will reflect on the theme of Violence Against Women. Through this installation I hope to create an alternative space for dialogue and reflection within the neighborhood and beyond. Violence Against Women is an issue that deeply affects the East Side neighborhood. We hope to use art to bring awareness, create understanding and incite change. The event aims to bring diverse communities together, to create better understanding of the issue outside the community.
