Patricia L. Morris
Patricia L. Morris is an art school dropout and a Harvard grad. She is a writer, photographer, and a lover of containers.
She began writing alongside her photos when she worked in Papua New Guinea (2005-6). She published this as a travel blog. Her short story, I Heart Containers won first place in the West End Writers Contest. Her short story Soon won The Red Line Magazine Best of the Year 2013. She wrote her first novel and couldnt stop writing.
Her Turkish grandfather was a photographer in the north end of Winnipeg. Her Russian grandmother hand-painted his photos. Four decades ago at the Vancouver School of Art she was introduced to Diane Arbuss photographs. Her images still haunt her.
At the turn of the millennium she moved into Vancouvers DTES where she faces the port and the railway tracks as she writes. This is where she developed her love of containers.
Her second novel tells the story of a woman who leaves her family to become a photographer and part of artist gentrification in a place where art, social uproar and the power of image interweave. Sound like real life?