Welcome to the new DTES Small Arts Grants website! We have updated the site to a new look as of February 12th, but the program details remain the same.

Tom Quirk

Actor, Singer, Videographer, Photographer

Actor, singer, videographer, photographer, peer outreach worker. Tom loves the character, color and drama of the DTES. He’s proud to be part of and contribute to the DTES core creative, cultural and outreach community

Working lifetime West Coast, Arctic ships and towboats up to certified master. Theatre background: New Play Centre, Praxis, has been staged Arts Club Revue Theatre. One year acting to camera workshops. DTES core community since 2004, eight years LINES peer outreach, associated with Vancouver Moving Theatre since 2004: singing actor and photographer. Interview : Photo Is chapter in ‘Hope In Shadows’. Many years shooting theatre, music, festivals, events, artist profiles in DTES. Videos ‘Out of the Rain’, ‘Mad Pride’ on homeless, challenged artists. Grateful to be a member of Gallery Gachet and the DTES creative, cultural and outreach community.
