Donald Pottie (February 23, 1962 – October 5, 2012)
I was born in the eastside of Vancouver, and raised by my mother in the Sheldon Hotel. I am here for the proximity to the docks and the ocean. I paint in the window of a small store-front studio on Main Street where I interact with people everyday. I have been working at 3 am and I looked around me to see someone staring at me. Their arms are folded on the bars and they have not made a sound. “Let’s go watch the painter.” The glass barrier really facilitates respect for the work. The little taps as they leave…they are a form of thank you. I like to work and both t-shirts and canvases. I work with faces for awhile until I get exhausted, then I move into abstraction which reinvigorates me. Content; faces are sculptural caricatures that depict no particular person or ethnic background, in fact, hearing about ethnicity drives me crazy, because most people in the dtes really don’t care about ethnicity.