Cindy McBride
This year, I am one of the core artists at EWMA (Enterprising Women Making Art). Prior to this, I have created art at the LifeSkills studio and a private studio on 5th and Yukon. Most of my art is abstract and my degree in Math and Physics influences all of my designs.
When I was in high school, I doodled a design on one of my binders. After finishing, a lady told me it was a mandala. I had heard that some monks would make them out of sand. I recently looked them up on, and discovered that they were all made with rulers. I, however, make them freehand. I use watercolors to paint the mandalas, as well as botanicals used in perfume, on cards. I also paint animals in oil.
With my Small Arts Grant I am silk-screening mandalas on t-shirts. I am also painting large mandalas, with acrylics, on canvases.