Welcome to the new DTES Small Arts Grants website! We have updated the site to a new look as of February 12th, but the program details remain the same.

Danny Kostyshin

Ceramic Artist
Visual Arts

I encourage the use and enjoyment of the handmade, functional ceramic object, in our daily domestic rituals around food and beverages.

I believe in the holistic ideals of potters, and their pots. All pots become part of our personal environment and reflect a modern aesthetic, in our homes.The intimate quality, that a functional pot allows, provides a daily interaction with an object that is used and becomes loved for that reason. I believe this allows for a sense of patience to develop, something this 21st century might have to consider.

Danny Kostyshin Vancouver BC

I was born on July 31 1952 in Stettler Alberta Canada.

From 1972- 1976 I attended The Vancouver School Of Art

Graduated in 1976, with a Diploma in fine Arts, Ceramics

Some post grad work at SFU, Burnaby BC 1987-1990

In 1984 At Emily Carr University, I did some post grad ceramics.

I was a participant in Banff Alberta, a few times over the last century, in Ceramic Programs, at Banff School of Fine Arts, with Robert Arenson, Ulla Viotti. Late 80’s and early 1990’s.

I have had small private studios in rental situations that no longer exist.

In early 2000’s I became a member of The Burnaby Potter’s Guild, where I still work to date.

My work has been in exhibits in Tea Related international Exhibitions, from Taiwan at a Department store, Star Talee, and at a Cultural Center in Taiwan. Singapore, Belgium,Nashville, USA, more international exhibits of tea related work, chawan etc.,

I created 30 porcelain plates as a concept to capture the time frame of the change of the 20th into 21st century. I call this MY Millennium Plate Project.

I have also created Ceramic Condom Boxes, in 1988, to speak about a tabu subject at the time safe sex practices. I also had some press on that project.

The Millennium Plate Project was/is a plate concept , done over a 2 year period, on specific dates, events,  documenting random things, intentional things such as Day Without ART World Aids Day,… Earth days are also documented over that time period. Michael Morris in 2000 did a plate called Planet Iceberg. I invited other artist friends such as Attila Lukacs, , Sally Michener, Gwen Curry, Vincent Trasov, Francesco Conz, Wayne Bayerwaldt, to name some participating artists to work on plates also.. Many of my interests, influences, show the flow of time. I made my last few plates day George Harrison passed… 30 wall hang able, exhibited publically, porcelain handmade plates,.. Using colored slips , then scraffito  lines into the slip and then glazing in a clear glaze. I created my Millennium Plate Project.

How has receiving a DTES Small Arts Grant supported your development as an artist?

My grant was used to digitize my past work history and archives from slides.

How has DTES Small Arts Grants helped DTES artists?


How has DTES Small Arts Grants impacted the community?

Support for artists in DTES.
